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Re: Reward Offered

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:30 pm
by Blackwill
The first Empire to capture a portion of the reward money is Phantatwain! Excellent work, brothers! Stick it to those metal menaces, and their biological lap dogs!

Re: Reward Offered

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:37 pm
Begin Transmission, all bands...

For those who would sell our locations for a few pieces of silver, the imperial registry keeps records on all those races who scan our planets.


End Transmission...

Re: Reward Offered

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:46 pm
by Blackwill they don't.....keep on revealing those locations, kids! 60 turns worth of POP growth delivered in a single action is quite an incentive for loose lips. Plus, reducing the number of cyber-cntrolled planets and Platforms in the galaxy is a win-win for everyone (except the cybers, of course, but they are the enemy, so who really cares?)

Remember: you're helping to fight the good fight! One day we will all be able to move about and explore the galaxy without the constant threat of destruction by the hands of the Glitch. No more being forced to misile-strike your neighbor's planets to avoid your own more "join or die" philosophy...and no more pesky demands that you platform and move planets at the behest of the cybers and their lackeys.

Rejoice, therefore! We will win this struggle TOGETHER!!