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Postby vemlich » Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:48 pm

By Terry Buchholz

Thridwald Urduwaht127
Brother of the Oligarchy and
Governor General of K’UTAL

Re: The Unusual Circumstance

Thrid 127:

What the unreasonable hell? At first glance I thought surely, the report that you sent to me cannot be true. Yet,Yet, No matter how hard I looked for some good news in your message, your failures stared unblinkingly right in my face.

First of all: Why you took it upon yourself to decide to over throw the local Planetary Government without Imperial Permission is unconscionable. It was ambitious true, but not your place at this time as a Newly Elected Brother of The Oligarchy and Governor General and leader of your Smuggling Center Command. One must wait one’s turn on use of Imperial Forces.

Secondly: Why you decided to stir up and Foment Religious Fervor and mix this with the MU / GU units which you commandeered is beyond reasonable. Never has this worked well in the past, as you clearly should have known from your Recent Studies at the Imperial Smuggling and War Tactics College.

Thirdly: By attacking and conquering the K’UTAL world you have slaughtered if you will the ‘Imperial Cash Cow’ which was the current Smuggling Run in this sector. Granted, in this at least we filled the coffers one last time from just before your untimely attack.

Fourthly: The Diversion of the Fleet Combat Air Arm, and the use of Marine Transports not once but twice…Well I have to admit that was inspired genius. But still the way in which you Falsified Orders and had a Planet Attacked in an allied space was reckless and unbelievably beyond your position as a New Brother of The Oligarchy.

Lastly: Again the Recklessness of the use of these Zealots along with the Commandeered Marine Units after and along with the Air Strikes, clearly lead to the situation in which, although later Fighter Strikes were recalled, the Guerrilla Attacks Continued. AND this is despite the fact that our ALLIES had taken the planet before the final GU attack. Clearly in your studies at the Imperial Smuggling and War Tactics College, surely, you must have run across the term ALLIES?

My first instinct is to have you ‘volunteer’ for the Imperial Marines, and lead First Wave in the next charge assault on some forgotten backwater planet. However, I have been reminded that being the Emperor’s Nephew has at least one perk. And the ISWTC is interested in just how you diverted the fleets to your own command.

So Nephew, congratulations on the Shortest Ever Governorship, the Shortest Ever Military Command, and creating the nearest incident yet to a Sector Wide InterstellarWar.

And of course, congratulations as well on your new Professorship at the ISWTC.

See you soon. Watch out for my shoe.

Emperor Rhotaris 13;
Lead Brother of The Oligarchy
The Mutos of Rhatsibahn
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