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Cost of Overhauling

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:06 pm
by LarryL
At any world, if I wanted to overhaul a class of my fleet, how much does cost?

Scout from a Tec 10 at a Tec 20

Additionally, how does the cost to overhaul vary from level to level.

or, am I totally wrong and it costs the action?

Re: Cost of Overhauling

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:27 pm
by exeter
The cost of overhauling is very straight forward.
It is 5RUs/level/ship.

So one scout from TL 10 to 20 is 50 RUs. overhauling ships can
get quite expensive in the long run, if you go up enough levels.

It gets fun when you have say 20 DE1s and some are TL 14, TL16, and TL18, and
you overhaul all of them to TL 28 or similar. Just guestimate the price and
make allowances for the extra money.

I can never remember which things are and aren't affected by Ag centers so I
try to leave a good cushion to cover little details like that.

By the way, are you interested in Ag centers?
Apshain Federation is always looking for more clients...