Legendary Navigators

This is where you may want to look for or send rumors about what is going on in the game. I would hope that Randy could send out some good ones from time to time, like highest overall tech level, highest level of income, number of races playing, how many planets blown up so far, etc.

Moderator: Tregonsee

Legendary Navigators

Postby Tregonsee » Sat Jun 24, 2017 8:31 am

Retief Ores & Metals navigators on Fleet 1 are to be commended or fired, it is not known which. Fleet 1 attempted a jump that only had 10% chance of success, and were able to do it without any damage to the 6 ships in the fleet.
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Re: Legendary Navigators

Postby REPTIMALIEN » Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:10 am

We recommend a coarse of severe tongue lashing.
Reassignment to Estra Intragalatic Asylum for evaluation. :mrgreen:
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