The Culture

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The Culture

Postby Space Lord » Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:52 pm

The races of the The Culture are a variety of human and genetically altered human bloodlines. But what makes The Culture are the bloodlines of the Novafire Dynasts from the home world of Novacosa and their sister worlds of Heliotropas and Ori Bas Luma.

As recorded by the Imperial Cultural Bureaucracy, the bloodlines of the Novafire dynasty reach far into the stellar past. Imperial Dynasts are ordained via the state religion of The Harmonium by the Archivist caste. All Imperial Dynasts can hear the call of siren songs emitting from the core of the galaxy. The Harmonium Archivists state this song is from a superior intelligence, which holds court in the dense star clusters at the center of the galaxy. The Harmonium has chosen the Dynasts as its instrument in bringing The Culture to the rest of the galaxy. Wars in the past have reduced the Dynasts holdings but their direct gnosis of the Harmonium has never been extinguished and The Culture is again expanding among the stars.

Through the guidance of the Imperial Dynasts, the people of The Culture expect to be guided to greatness. The Imperial Dynasts believe even more of their bloodlines exist in the galaxy, on ancient planets, where their people have existed without contact for centuries. The Culture is seeking these ancient worlds for research and to return to the Cultural Domain of the Imperial Dynasts.

The Culture is an Imperial State driven by exploration, expansion, and scientific endeavor. The Culture is somewhat insular and suspicious of alien states but can be pragmatic when there is a need. Ships of the The Culture carry the state symbol, the Novaburst, somewhere prominent on the vessel.
Space Lord
aka. The Culture
ICB [5,3]
Space Lord
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:25 am

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