The Origins of DACIA

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The Origins of DACIA

Postby DACIA An Agricultural Cooperative » Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:22 pm

Many thousands of years ago, our God gave breath to our kind, and being a most gracious god, He gave unto us many planets. We learned in that time according to the Holy Writ, to tame these worlds to our nature. Originally the Dacian peoples, having learnt the arts of Space, betook it upon ourselves to change the face of planets as independent civilization builders. In time we came into contact with many different species of intelligent life, different from our own. We learnt many things from these spaceborne strangers and formed a great alliance between us and them. Many centuries passed as we assisted each other in populating worlds beyond recounting. We grew boastful and proud of our accomplishments, which were wide and varied. Had we not assumed godlike stature among the cosmos? Had we not given life to many other races?
In our vanity, we vexed our God, we diminished His care and substituted our own. This proud and blasphemous behavior one day showed itself. We heard of machines of great power and destruction, who could destroy entire planets, leaving only worthless rubble where once proud peoples had erected cities. We did not take this to be the vengeance of our God, but thinking ourselves immune to His providential justice, continued to heap upon ourselves, our might, our glory and the wonder of the creations we made for other species.

One day, when our God had filled himself with contempt and rage with us, He allowed the Cybernetic Horde to locate one of our distant worlds. We heard the cries of our (in our own minds) godlike kin as they were plundered, enslaved or murdered. We beheld in horrified disbelief, as the Cybernetic Horde descended on that fair world, and tore every shred of information from it's computers and data banks. Then the Horde utterly looted the planet, then mined every scrap of useful metal, mineral and even the gasses of the atmosphere. Very few of the citizens escaped, and most of them were hunted to near extinction. We, in our prideful sense of importance could not believe that this was any thing more than a singular punishment for unknown evil deeds. Great religious fervor gripped our remaining crystal cities. Too late did we turn our attention and ardor back to our God. Too late did we repent of all our wrongdoing and our assumption of being as great as Himself. The Horde descended with much violence. All the worlds we had recreated, both for ourselves, and for others were utterly sacked and destroyed.

A few priests that were loyal to Him hid out on barren planets, and wrought small speedy ships which contained the remaining few of our peoples, our flora and our fauna. These priests preached unto us the folly of our old ways. We vowed never again to recreate worlds in our image nor in the image of other intelligent races. The great purge of Estra had taught us a new respect and awe of our God. Instead ours would be the nurturing of the flora and fauna remaining with us. We few were sealed unto these small arks, and sent to many places. We were not to be awaken until the clangor and din of the Horde had passed for a millineum.

Now we have awaken, and on new homeworlds and colonies we begin anew, We have formed an Agricultural Cooperative, and we reverence our God, who is, has been and always shall be, greater than us.
We hearken to his commandments, to nurture and care for his creations where ever we find them. Thus shall DACIA recompense our God for our pride and arrogance of past millenniums. We are honored to tend the green leaf, the golden grain and the lowing of cattle. We know that we have been brought low, so that we can once again glorify Him. No more shall we view ourselves as gods, demigods nor daemon. We are but the humble servants that He wanted us to be. Praise be to His name. We are DACIA
DACIA An Agricultural Cooperative
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:02 am

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