Retooling Torpedoes

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Retooling Torpedoes

Postby Thom » Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:14 pm

One of the most common questions is how do I retool torpedoes. Well the short answer is you 'rebuild' them if you will. Let me explain.

Say you want to retool the torpedoes that Randy was so kind to add to your home worlds, you know 600,700, 800, or 900 class 1 torpedoes.

Well since retooling them is a build code you have to put a 3 in the action code box. Then in the Location #1 box you put the planet location where you want to retool torpedoes. In the quantity box you put the number of the class of torpedo. In the build code box you put 300. But let me explain the quantity box a little bit.

Say you have 700 class 1 torpedoes on your home world. You wish to upgrade them to class 3 torpedoes. So in the quantity box you put a 3 for the class of torpedo you wish to upgrade to taking them from class 1 to class 3. Okay not so hard once you understand exactly how to do it.

But..... and you knew there was going to be a but. You always upgrade all the torpedoes on the planet with the build code 300 not just some. All or nothing. So if for instance you have 700 class 1 torpedoes on your home world and you wish to upgrade them to class 3 the cost is 100 per level per torpedo which in this case means 700 x 2 x 100 or 140,000 RU's. You're welcome.
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Joined: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:34 am

Re: Retooling Torpedoes

Postby LarryL » Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:25 pm

Okay, imho, upgrading existing stock is useless for the cost.

Two followup, but similar questions….

1. Instead of stock, nw TW world with zero gorps on it.
Building 1 = 3 / Planet Loc / no fleet / 1 toro / 284 -- Build Class 1
Retooling to lv 3 (assuming your tech allows it would be?
Retool Lv 3 = 3 / Planet Loc / no fleet / blank / 286 - Build Class 3
* Using the input fields in order listed.

2. Do torps paly a role in the game now? i.e. Planetary Torps or Torp Ships?

Note: Otherwise, your description was very clear, concise, and cool.
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Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:07 pm

Re: Retooling Torpedoes

Postby REPTIMALIEN » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:13 pm

hello larry,
My missile cruisers have been attacked by torpedoes, i am assuming because my fleet triggered planetary defences.
Does that answer your question?
I also have had missiles taken out by the ABM's on planets at least TL18 or higher.
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Re: Retooling Torpedoes

Postby LarryL » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:06 pm


For use of toro and potential toro ships, I d think it does. :) thanks!!

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Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:07 pm

Re: Retooling Torpedoes

Postby Blackwill » Mon Feb 27, 2017 1:17 pm

This may be an issue: I tried re-tooling Class 1 Torpedoes to Class 2, using a "1" in the Quantity Box to raise them by 1 class. Didn't work. I *think* the QTY box will have to be the class you wish to raise them TO (example: to raise Class 1 Torps to Class 2, you would put a "2" in the QTY box, rather than a 1). I have asked Thom for clarification, but I think this is the case.
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Re: Retooling Torpedoes

Postby Thom » Mon Feb 27, 2017 1:46 pm

Yes the instructions have been updated. You need to put the class of torpedo in the quantity field that you wish to have all your torpedoes upgraded to, not the number of levels.
Posts: 164
Joined: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:34 am

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