As a way of speeding up the processing of the turns and get the results to the players quicker in the very near future you'll be able to download your turn results from the website. If you have not logged on to it for a while I suggest you do to get used to it. Some of your past few turns should be available to download now so go and practice a few login and downloads. When turn results are posted you'll get a notice by email so you won't have to watch for the results but it won't include your files any longer as it will be a bulk email to all players.
You can also see your exploration data for the past few months as it is being uploaded every turn now. It's not complete as we need to import past turns and that takes a lot of time. But for players that just started you should have complete exploration data from turn one. For us that have played a long time until we get every players 100's of turns imported it will not be complete. But don't despair, you've played the game using your own data bases for a while now and it's not going to stop you from playing now.
But your planet's owned, Fleet list, and ship list is also available to use if you want rather than importing the files into excel. I'm changing a few of the displays to be more user friendly and if you have a suggestion please pass them on.
The Pivot tables you can use for your planets is very useful for searching for specifics on planets. If you don't know how to use pivot tables, not hard. I'll post instructions. But need to clean up some display data first just to make them a little more useful.
The download files will be eventually the way you'll get your results. But for the time being we'll still send them out by email. At least for the weeks in the foreseeable future. That should give you plenty of time to get used to getting your turn results that way. Also if you have comments please pass them along.
Fine to post comments and suggestions here but for better results please consider emailing them to Randy as well. Can't guarantee a post here will be noticed and read and that's frustrating for everyone if they don't get an answer to a comment or suggestion. And you won't always get one here.