Due to some code missing from the last game fighter strikes initiated from a NO STAR subsector was allowed. This is not correct. In order to launch a fighter strike on a subsector you must place your carrier fleet in either a Safe or Stellar Cloud subsector. This has to do with the way the game handles NO STAR subsectors. They simply don't exist. So a fighter recon of a NO STAR subsector will not locate an enemy fleet even if one is present. This makes striking from a NO STAR subsector with fighters impervious to counter strike.
When the range of fighters is only in the subsector they are in there is no problem. However once the carriers tec level reaches 41 and fighter range is extended to the entire sector one could hide their carrier fleet in a NO STAR subsector and strike repeatedly without the other empire having any recourse.
This is simply not he way the design of the game was meant to be. Last game I changed the code to disallow fighter strikes from NO STAR subsectors but somehow that code was not included in this game. Probably due to rebooting the game and not getting every program out of the old game folder when Randy started. But then again he didn't have it as I believe all code he had was lost in the fire. I did have backups of my code but apparently may have missed sending him a few as every now and then one pops up.
I also believe this is why the references to fighter ranges being extended was removed from all documentation some time ago. May have been when they found out about the problem or may have been when Randy sold the game and it was being run by Rich and his wife. At any rate I found out a little while ago that there is no documentation on extended fighter range, either in the rule book, or the tec 41 sheet. I did have tec sheet from way back when and distinctly remember it including the increased range. But probably discarded it long ago.
At any rate don't send fighter strikes from NO STAR subsectors. They won't work and longer.