Imperium Lafayette

C’mon, you know you want to… If you have played Takamo before, mention your previous race and interesting things about it. If you have never played Takamo, how did you find out about it? Plus add anything else you want

Moderator: Tregonsee

Imperium Lafayette

Postby ImperiumLafayette » Mon May 28, 2018 2:13 pm

Greetings and Salutations!

I am a new empire (returning player). Playing ICB. I have found the forums and I am not afraid to use it so expect questions.

If there was another way to screw up my first turn I am not sure what it was. "Unload"..."Invade" :oops: Such a difference between two words. :(

First time I played Takamo...was so long ago I could not tell you the year. Started a position in the text game when Randy brought it back with TakamoUniverse though I had to drop due to lack of time (damn Phoenix). Now trying it once again.

Imperium Lafayette
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Re: Imperium Lafayette

Postby CHARON EMPIRE » Mon May 28, 2018 7:41 pm

Greetings from the CHARON EMPIRE! Welcome Back...

You can reach us at if you need to ask any questions.
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Re: Imperium Lafayette

Postby Tregonsee » Thu May 31, 2018 10:26 am

Greetings Imperium Lafeyette!

Most of us who played before (myself included) either played in the 80s (play by mail- PBM) and/or 90s (Tarkia). Do either of these things trigger a memory?

When you did play before, do you remember your race name?

Feel free to contact me, either private message in this forum, email (, or call (405-550-1736)

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Re: Imperium Lafayette

Postby ImperiumLafayette » Thu May 31, 2018 12:25 pm

If I am remembering correctly and it is entirely possible I am not, back in the pbm days I played with a group of guys in a group called the FFLF, Free Federation of LifeForms. Don't remember the name I used. Seems like I also played when became PBEM, but it is hazy. Last tiime was when TakamoUniverse started up and I joined the text game again as The Amber Sphere. Only played about 10 turns before I got jammed up with other things and had to drop.

Gonna be embarrassed if FFLF was in some other game.... :? Played in, tried out so damn many!
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Re: Imperium Lafayette

Postby R. Ritnour » Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:40 pm

You are correct. FFLF was in Takamo.
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