Reward Offered

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Reward Offered

Postby Blackwill » Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:33 pm

The Prime has authorized a reward of 50,000 RUs to anyone who reports VERIFIED TW planetary coordinates for the following empires:

Knights of Rancor
Charon Empire
Merchetti Merchants
Gorkhan VII
House Mako

An additional 50,000 RUs will be provided to any empire posting verified HW coordinates for any of the empires listed above.

A flat-rate reward of 10,000 RUs will be paid for evidence of ccooperation between any biological empire, and cybernetic empire.

10,000 RUs will be paid to any empire which submits verifiable proof of conquest of a TW belonging to any of the listed empires, pro-rated for number of forts, MUs, and FTRS destroyed. An undefended TW would not generate much of a reward, but we will decide that on a case-by-case basis.

Listed empires, and their known lackeys, need not apply.

Send all requests for payment, and required documentation, to the Exchequer of the HIGH HARVEST CHURCH.

Edit: The reward fund for battle damage has been exhausted!! Over 2 million will be payed out already, so we are removing that aspect from the reward schema. Still....keep on fighting! DUE TO TREMENDOUS RESPONSE, ADDITIONAL REWARDS ARE ON A TEMPORARY HOLD WHILE WE PROCESS PAYMENTS. REWARDS WILL RESUME SHORTLY.
Last edited by Blackwill on Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Reward Offered

Postby CHARON EMPIRE » Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:33 pm

I must say, the Imperial government is most displeased! Didn't even make the top of the list!

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Re: Reward Offered

Postby Blackwill » Fri Oct 28, 2016 11:56 am

Oh, they're not in order of importance, or raiding/slaving order...just to keep things mysterious and spooky. Everyone on the list gets a turn on the rack. Some of the targets have already been acquired, but distance is prohibitive for immediate raids. It takes a lot of fuel to get to some of them, so we've had to salvage every drop we can find just to get there. Don't worry, though. There is still plenty of fun to be shared with everyone.
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Re: Reward Offered

Postby CHARON EMPIRE » Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:56 pm

The Charon Empire does not suffer due to limited range capability. If you spend the ru's I'm told your range will increase, so keep a smile on, even though you suffer from a lack of range.
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Re: Reward Offered

Postby Blackwill » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:27 pm

Thanks for the tip, Rusty. We will be sure to leave some slaves behind as a token of our gratitude. Or, we'll have them all sign a banner to post on the ruins of your capitol as we cart them all to Grand Alliance or STAGE worlds. We haven't decided yet. Either way, thanks.

Just out of curiosity...did that lonely Lancer missile do any damage to your buddies? It was an accident. We called for a Lunch Break, and someone thought we said Launch....anyway, we're sending in 10 more Lancers to try to find that errant missile this turn, to see if we can reload it. Those things cost a butt-load of money, and we can't just leave them lying about. We figure if we fire off 10 more lancers, one of them might be able to find it.

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Re: Reward Offered

Postby CHARON EMPIRE » Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:18 am

I totally understand how saying one world; Lunch can be misinterpreted as Launch. Your errant missile was recovered and a fleet was ordered to take it back to your Home World, they are considerably costly. When it arrived one of your Orbital defense platforms fired upon the scout, the scout returned fire and hit one of your volsairs, your volsair returned fire and hit one of our cruisers, the cruiser returned fire and hit one of your missile ships, your missile ship returned fire and hit one of our recon fighters, the commander of the carrier group ordered Evade and it was relayed to the transports as Invade.
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Re: Reward Offered

Postby Blackwill » Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:31 am

Hahah! Excellent work! I knew it was coming, but didn't expect you to bring so many friends! Quite the Galactic Soirée above my (former) HomeWorld!

Now that we have your attention....

Yuck! Picking on a poor, defenseless Pirate, just trying to turn a buck! How do you sleep at night, guys? Oh...that's don't.

Well, now you've gone and made me mad! Those Volsairs had some of your slaves on them! We were going to put them to work in our Tritium mines. Now we have to do it ourselves!

No respect, I tell respect at all!
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Re: Reward Offered

Postby Blackwill » Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:38 pm

P.S. The raids will continue until morale improves. You guys need to lighten up, and enjoy life more. What are a couple of raids and slave runs amongst friends, anyway? Just good natured rough-housing :-)
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Re: Reward Offered

Postby REPTIMALIEN » Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:57 am

We are still waiting for a return of our fellow merchettians. We hope you found the ransom sufficient. If not, We will gladly pay more. After all 'life must go on".
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Re: Reward Offered

Postby Blackwill » Sun Oct 30, 2016 12:38 pm

Do you mean those 30 dudes we picked up hitch-hiking a few weeks ago? Man, they've been handed off to other guys who had work for them. Or, do you mean the 14 we nabbed this week? If you mean those guys, they got all explodey in the gunfire over my HomeWorld. What a racket!! Couldn't sleep a wink. You dudes need quiter missiles. Kids were trying to study, you know, and it was hard to keep them focused with all the invasion stuff. Think of the children once in a while, why don't you?

Aaanywhoo....we noticed some more of your POP hanging out down by the Frosty-Lube, so we've turned around to give them a lift.

You might want to move any Platforms you and your cyber-sewing-circle have in JIN or MVK (and, for good measure, anywhere in the J-Plane). We've got a Lancer Wrecking Crew moving in to make some room, and we'd hate to dust any innocent worlds in the process. It takes multiple sweeps to make sure the area is clear, but we've got the missiles, so we might as well use them.

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