Population Growth

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Population Growth

Postby Knights Of Rancor » Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:23 pm

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I know right now POP only grows on Bio Terraformed worlds and only after using AC 3, BC 261 then you only get 1 pop (2 if you have an Ag Center on the planet)

I would like to see that continue. But I would also like to see Auto POP builds on payer owned terraformed worlds. Say if a planet has 10 or more POP already on the planet NO MATER WHO OWNS IT then it would grow or increase POP by 1 each turn even if you don’t want them to grow.

If there are POP on that world you’re going to tell me their all celibate? I think not. But still only Bios should be able to forcibly increase their Population using AC 3, BC 261.

This only seems right when you stop and think, if a player terraforms a size 9 world and drops say 10 POP on it. It will take that player 107 turns after that to max out the POP with out an Ag Center. Now if there were auto POP builds he could cut that time in half to 54 turns and if there is an Ag Center that would then be completed in 36 turns. That is still a lot of turns but more reasonable than 107 turns. Of course smaller planets will take less time.

I know one of the main arguments that will come up against this is the prejudiced fear of Cybers getting something that every one else would get, and that someone will find a loop hole and take some kind of unfair advantage. But I think that this should be automatic like collecting base income is.

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Last edited by Knights Of Rancor on Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby Tregonsee » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:14 pm

Actually it is AC 3 Build code 261, but I get your drift, and totally agree with you. About half my turn's actions as spent on increasing Pops.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby CHARON EMPIRE » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:18 pm

I think ICB's should get there ability to build pop back! Right now, other than terraforming a world what special ability do they have? The Nomad has the ability to platform a world, which in effect is a terraformed world. Not only that, they get the Assault shuttle, and the ability to move their world out of harms way.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby Thom » Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:28 pm

I suppose removing the restriction on POP builds for ICB's would be okay but we can't go back to builds of 7 or 8 per action and no limit to number of actions a planet could build POP. Doing so would just produce the same bad loop. So what value would be balanced?
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Re: Population Growth

Postby CHARON EMPIRE » Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:19 pm

Give them the ability to build 5 pop once per turn, per planet, only if the world has an ag center. Without an ag center they can build 3. Seems like a good number to start with...
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Re: Population Growth

Postby Knights Of Rancor » Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:09 pm

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I was after an Auto build on all player owned Terraformed, Platformed, and Pirate Havens. With all Bio Players still being able to increase additional POP as they can do now, (one action per planet per turn) I was not saying Cybers were to have the ability to increase POP with actions and I didn't know ICBs lost some of their ability to build POP units.

That being said I do agree that ICBs should get a POP build bonus due to the fact that, that's what they do! They Build civilizations witch means they need pop you can only pull so many POP off one planet to seed another. Maybe Colony Ships when converted to colonize a planet should also deposit 1 POP Unit on the colony (if it's a colony it would have POP) at least for Bios.

I can't believe I'm going to bat for Bios, but thought it needed to be brought up.

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Last edited by Knights Of Rancor on Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby REPTIMALIEN » Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:46 pm

i would like to think that something should happen to help propagate this, like regular supply runs. So an inactive planet is just that inactive. However, if you supply them, then they are wined and dined. Hence, they have nothing better to do than be fruitful. :mrgreen:

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Re: Population Growth

Postby REPTIMALIEN » Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:54 pm

In retrospect, I can see the problem of having more planets than actions to take care of them. I would like to recommend 1 addional action per planet over 50. I also think a ceiling on this is necessary. :mrgreen:

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Re: Population Growth

Postby Thom » Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:49 am

At one time we had talked about having POP increase on their own each turn across the universe. The code would not be hard to add given the planet reports that are generated for each player's turn results. However I kind of like the trade aspect where trading with a world would increase the POP automatically. I have some work to do on the trade this next week. Maybe discuss it and see if it's feasible.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby Tregonsee » Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:04 pm

If nothing else, POP growth should be more like MU recruiting- you get more from larger planets. It takes 7 turns to max out a size 1 planet with an AG center, but it takes 59(!) turns to do the same thing for a size 9 planet. That is way too much. Maybe something like you can do 2% of capacity (rounded up) for no AG center and 5% with an AG center. This would make it 20 turns to fill up a size 9 planet. Still takes a while, but at least it is doable...
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