Population Growth

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Re: Population Growth

Postby Knights Of Rancor » Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:30 am

Well it has been almost a year (will be in a year in 4 days) now since I first posted to this thread about Pop growth or Auto Pop growth. Has anything more been done or disused about it or was it rejected and the subject is now dead? As a Cyber I can live with it either way, (I just kill them anyway) but for the bio players out there I still think this needs more attention, and answers.


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Re: Population Growth

Postby REPTIMALIEN » Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:08 pm

something else that might be considered in all this is available resources. If there are no resources how is all this pop being supported. that is why I suggested a world that is active rather than those some grab, terraform and move on for more worlds.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby CHARON EMPIRE » Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:32 pm

I think POP growth should be automatic each turn, on each planet.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby Knights Of Rancor » Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:33 pm

I play a lot of games on line, if Takamo is to compete with these other games maybe some things need to change a little to keep with expectations of online players such as...

#1. automatic income, in all other games I play or played income is automatic per game cycle such as per hr or day. In Takamo's case it would be per turn whether a turn is sent in or not for that turn.

#2. Population growth should be automatic for ALL races with only non-Cybers able to increase it more with one action per TW or PT planet per turn, This Auto Pop growth would only be for worlds that have Pop on them already You would need Pop there to grow No Pop no growth Auto Pop growth would be on ANY world with Pop on it except ACs and Unterraformed. No need to add actions for this it would just be automatic.

#3. Would like to see ship limits removed (but that's me)

#4. Have a set number of actions (in pairs buy-sell 2, 4, 6, no more than 10) you could designate for auto trade runs along with the regular 70 action turn. this trade run/trade route would be set up once and not have to be sent in every turn but could be changed if needed.

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Re: Population Growth

Postby REPTIMALIEN » Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:48 am

In that respect I can concur with your use of automatic builds, and trade runs.I would assume based on experience, tec level or perhaps empire size these would grow some. I can understand the ever expanding universe.
I believe there needs to be some way for people to know they are not alone in the universe. I like the relative close setups that has allowed us to engage with each other. I think if I started this alone and did not have friends
playing. I would have needed some extra encouragement to keep playing, because, it would have taken close to a year to engage another player character. I understand this was a big problems in the first edition.

I would like to add though i would like each race/player position to learn each empire type through civilization advancement, this should not be a quick process, to promote player interaction.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby nazareth » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:36 pm

I agree with KOR with respect to automatic pop growth and income. Of course, cybers see more pop to destroy, but besides that it just makes sense. Currently, action 51 is useful for a new player struggling to get started, but once you are relatively established no one probably uses this order very often were the priority of running a empire takes precedent over collecting taxes. Can't imagine in the future Empires don't have a system for tax collection.

Second and more importantly I think is pop growth, which should be automatic on terraformed worlds that have pop already. One pop automatic, two with ag ctr. This would give more value to pop, which should be the bios most important resource. If most players once established give up their income collection (gaining income thru other means), then one really only needs a minimal amount of pop on a planet and in some cases none. However, if pop were automatic and taxes automatically collected from the populace throughout the empire as a whole, then there would also be incentive to grow your empire for the income it would provide and more incentive for empires to work deals with ICBs to get those worlds terraformed. Pop would also be a more valuable commodity worth protecting, especially worlds with a large pop base present.

I confess to not being a programmer, but these two items would seem easy to implement.

Auto trade runs would seem to make sense also, but may be more difficult to put in place due to the many outside variables that could affect trade runs.

With regard to the comment on other games that Takamo needs to compete with, I say since it is a free game, it isn't competing with any other games. Of course, maybe these other games you are speaking of are also free!
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Re: Population Growth

Postby jameswow002 » Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:14 pm

I know that the talk was more about auto pop growth but did everyone know that you can build pop on ANY planet you own? Terra, colony and unterra.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby Thom » Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:01 pm

Auto tax was at one time programmed into Takamo. In the econ records for each player there is a Tax Rate, which by some action code the player could set. However the exact Action Code along with the necessary code to run it has long gone missing from the game. I'm not sure how it was used. I only see that it's there. Little to no code to support it is present in any other programs and I'm not really sure about the code I've found being all that revealing. I never really looked into it. It might also have been set by the Governor over his other empires but that was a variation on the game that never really worked all that well as I recall.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby Blackwill » Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:44 pm

Have we made any headway on this yet? I like the Auto-Pop idea for planets with a Pop over 10.
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Re: Population Growth

Postby CHARON EMPIRE » Mon Aug 29, 2016 2:08 pm

If the Bios's can have auto pop growth, can we cybers get auto marine growth? If we do, will this interfere with selling cargo to the world?

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