This topic thread is for any issues with turns that you are having, such as garbled printouts, etc. should be posted here. This will help us address problems and glitches with email, etc. We will also post suggestions here for fixes to specific issues.
This is not a gripe board, this is a troubleshooting board. Don’t just say “My turn didn’t work.” be as specific as possible. That way we can work together to fix the issue and make the game better for everyone.
Moderator: Tregonsee
by Tregonsee » Fri Nov 24, 2023 8:18 am
Per Randy on the Discord, turns will not be done until 8 or 9 pm Central time tonight. He also said that turns can be turned in as late as 7 pm Central time tonight.

- Posts: 205
- Joined: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:02 pm
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